So you'd like fresh vegetables and herbs from the garden,but don't have a garden...
Don't fret!
Here we will instruct you on building your own SIP (Self Irritated Planter) also called a Wicking Box. This will allow you to save water and grow your favorite foods, sustainably at your leisure
•18, 27 or 30 gallon plastic storage container
•3 inch perforated, corrugated drain pipe
•1/2 inch diameter rubber tube cut 6 inches in length for overflow
•Landscaping fabric, to cap off drain pipe ends
•1/2 inch outside diameter PVC pipe for vertical downspout
•Empty water bottle, this will be the funnel cap
•Duct tape
Drill a hole on either end of the bin to fit your 1/2 inch rubber tube. This will be your overflow hose.
Make a 1" inch hole below the top of the drain pipe when laid inside the container. Be sure to center this hole.
Cut the drain pipe sections to fit lengthways into the bottom of container. Make your fabric cuts during this step. You will cap both ends with the fabric, to keep out dirt. Secure the fabric by wrapping the duct tape firmly around the drain pipe ends. Be sure to make contact with the fabric and drain pipe.
Drill a 1/2 inch hole into the top of the center drain pipe to fit the PVC pipe for even water distribution. This will be your filling tube into the reservoir.
Make a small hole into the fabric covering the opposite end of the drain pipe to fit the rubber overflow tube into.
Place the center drain pipe aligned to insert the overflow tube and remaining drain pipes into the container.
Cut the water bottle in half. Afterwards tape the top end of the water bottle to the PVC pipe.
Place the PVC pipe into the hole you cut earlier in the center drain pipe. This will be your funnel to the reservoir.
Your SIP aka self-watering reservoir is now complete. Add 1.5 cubit feet or 1 and a half bags of potting mix and enjoy.